Filing and Records Management

Come and attend this powerful Effective Filing and Records Management training workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is also part of the Clerical Development program Best in Malaysia documents

Secretary And Administrative Skills

This secretary and administrative training program aims to equip executive assistant personnel with multi-disciplinary administrative skills for self-development and overall workplace improvement.

Pengurusan Gudang, Stor & Inventori Yang Berkesan

Industri logistik hari ini menghadapi pelbagai cabaran untuk menurunkan kos, meningkatkan kepantasan operasi dan memenuhi kehendak pelangan. Ketiga-tiga objektif ini boleh dicapai melalui pengurusan stor yang berkesan dan efisyen.

Administrative Professional Conference

This conference is a training and networking opportunity dedicated to equipping clients with more strategic skill sets and groom them for LEADERSHIP.