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    Risk Management & Assessment Tools at the Workplace

    What is so special in this Risk Management and Assessment course? You want to be sharp in identifying and analyzing Risk management and Assessment portfolio in your field. With your acute Risk Management skills, you can make wise and accurate decisions in picking the most appropriate risk models for your business.

  • Crisis & Disaster Management

    Crisis & Disaster Management

    How to handling disaster, Tackling crisis, Addressing operational & business continuity? We have global warming crisis now and it appears to stay. Earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis hit Asia, America and Oceania many times in the past, and can recur any time too in future. These natural disasters and crisis are made worse by other man-made crisis like terrorist attacks, regional wars (both military and economics). Then there are calamities like massive oil spills from shipwrecked tankers, nuclear rector leakages, hazardous chemical factories explosions, and act s of sabotages like hijacking and pirate attacks on the high seas. Our planet earth never seemed to be void of pandemics. The bovine fever or mad cows disease invaded Europe in the 80’s. Then SARs, JE, and bird’s flu that broke Asia in turmoil the 90’s. Most recently the corona virus (CoVid-19) starting in Wuhan province in China became a world-wide crisis as declared by WHO. What do we do as individuals, as ciiizens of nations to counter or be safe from this plague? And as employees of organisations that stand to lose huge, financially and non-financially, each time disaster/crisis erupts? This Course discuses how To Be Prepared, and What To Do when disaster and crisis strikes.